Felipe Martín

Weekly project status: Dropping projects is hard

Since I wrote the last post of 2012 I have been wondering if I could finish -or at least, work- on all the projects or experiments I wanted to. The answer was easy: no. I just don’t have enough time for all the stuff I want to do, so I have made some decisions about my projects.

Project herobrine …dropped!

“Early draft of Project

The first time I did something about this project was like 2010, as some of you have guessed by the name of the project, its minecraft related. It was intended to be a wowhead-like minecraft database but not only on PC.

Some features I wanted:

  • Developed with django, returning json objects to the client.
  • Client MVC based with BackboneJS
  • Responsive design -so you can check with your tablet while play on your computer-
  • “no refresh” -backbone-
  • WebGL/Canvas block rendering
  • JS Redstone circuit maker
  • JS Dye maker
  • Homepage with random background featuring user’s screenshots (above)
  • Interactive crafting/brewing/…

Finally I have to say goodbye to this jewel -and it’s really hard because I love minecraft and I wanted this to happen- because of various reasons: minecraftwiki already contains a lot of information -and it’s really crowded-, the barrier of contents -I have to type in all the minecraft items, blocks, biomes, etc- and that this wasn’t really a technical challenge -actually, some things are, but most of it are just database relations and stuff-.

I want to prepare a future post with all the work I made on this project. There’s not much code but a lot of drafts and ideas that could help someone.

Project Serenity …dropped!

This was intended to be a way to simplify my jenkins business. Since I need a lot of tasks like: compile, minify, copy, deploy, upload, test… I wanted an app so I just define everything I need on a YAML file and call the app with serenity <task>.

I have some drafts built, a base YAML file, and some features planned like integrated tasks, custom tasks in the YAML file, configuration…

Haven’t coded for this one yet, but fortunately I heard about grunt who may be something very close at what I wanted this one to be.

ZombiePress (github)


It’s obvious. I was making my own blog software but since now I’m a proud octopress user this is no longer needed. I will keep the repo online just for making me feel nostalgic in the future.

BlueBird …dropped!

For all the iPad users… remember when Twitter changed the UI of the app? Did you remember the old one? I do. The new interface is total crap, the other was simply brilliant, and for me it was near the best one for an iOS app. I was hoping to get a clone working in javascript, but my knowledge of touch screens is not that good, I need to study more on the matter and thenmaybe I will try again, but I’m pretty sure some javascript guru will do something before that happens.

Project Amaranth

The bigger brother. Recently I started a Vampire: Dark Age game with some friends and it remembered me to when I played rolegames over IRC. I started thinking that a online interface for roleplaying will be nice to have, because you can also use it in a live session to whisper, draw, etc. The brainstorm started quick enough for me to consider making it.

Project RTC

Just born! -yesterday :P-. I want to make some kind of webRTC site to have conversations without the need of register, just create a conversation, get a link and you are set. It’s more an experiment than a project itself.

Uvepe8 (github)

I’m very proud -in a useful way- of this one and of course I’m maintaining it.

For the ones who don’t know, its sort of video-to-html5-canvas, a mix between apple’s and sublime text’s, but mines support transparency -I needed it-.

There are some features I want to implement shown on the README file and a full code review.

Dharma (github)

An application to check for 404 links on websites, a lot of things could be added to this, but for now is for playing around with threading, gevent and that kind of things.

I have some other things in mind I want to try, but that deserves another post -which is already in the works-.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, anything you want to say: comment, tweet, mail or shout at me!