April 2022
May 4, 2022
This is the most accurate summary I can give of the last month. This is the first time player 2 and I are moving between places together, and between the usual work this kind of thing has and some surprises we have had along the way… I didn’t have time for anything else.
March 2022
April 1, 2022
I've started drawing a little on the tablet. I'm awful at it, but it's a relaxing way to pass the time while having a cup of coffee. (Yes, the date is wrong)
How I organize my Home Assistant automations
November 30, 2021
Automations in Home Assistant are the best thing after the cocoa discovery, I use them a lot for many different things and I’m always wondering how to solve the first world problem of the day. The hassle with it is that apart from a list and the search there are not much more options to filter, and when your automations grow it became a bit of a pain finding what you want.