April 2021
February 2021
A month for changes! A lot of daily grind and planning new stuff for the future.
We still can’t move freely around but restrictions are leaving us step by step, let’s see how long it lasts here, at least I’m pretty happy that I can go to my favourite coffee shop even if it’s for takeaway. After a few reluctant weeks our avocado started to rise! I’m trying to track it’s growth with daily pics, but oh man it grows SO fast.
What happened in 2020 in random order:
- Lost about ~15kg (~33lbs) of weight
- I have a way more balanced diet now and do exercise almost every day, though I still like cookies maybe a bit too much.
- Started working at Red Hat as a Software Maintenance Engineer. That happened exactly one year ago now.
December 2020
Oh boy, here we go again. Christmas season is with us one more time.
For anyone that doesn’t know me even a little: I don’t like Christmas. It is the most consumerist period of the year, everything is packed with people (even in 2020, how’s that even possible!). The only good thing is you can meet with some people even if it is a few meters away in a park freezing yourself.