Felipe Martín

July 2020

August 2, 2020

Summer is here!

Even without restrictions or quarantine is has been a weird month. Cases here are going up and down, I don’t want to go back to the gym (and I think I won’t until next year), some restaurants and cafe have closed permanently and the ones that are still standing are usually full (which is good). We’re just trying to go back to normal, step by step, and having some friends stay at home a few days helped a lot.

A picture of myself from behind walking through a port

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June 2020

June 2, 2020

We can travel now! Quarantine restrictions have been raised here, and we can go visit family. It’s weird seeing people with masks, cleaning its hands and so on (though not everyone eveytone). It gives me some Japan nostalgia.

It hasn’t been a productive month, and I don’tknow where time went. And that made me realize that I can’t do everything I want to do… I have to start dropping tasks from all kinds of hobbies and organize myself way better. That is my homework for this summer.

On the road, finally

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May 2020

June 1, 2020

I can go out now. In those rare days with good weather here I can take pictures like this.

A picture from the beach

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April 2020

May 1, 2020

Weird month. It seems that quarantine finally caught up with me (and my sleep schedule!). Since I cannot go to sleep when I want, I’m trying a different approach… reading something at bed and waking up later. So far so good.

This month I didn’t read many articles/books (in fact, any book) but in return I came back to reading some Manwha I had in my backlog. And I have also invested some time in a few projects I’m currently incubating.

I’m also on my way to self-host my own stuff, trying out software and servers architectures so I can dog-food some of the stuff I use at work, hopefully.

Screenshot of Final Fantasy VII: Remake main menu screen

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March 2020

April 1, 2020

#StayAtHome #StopTheCurve

As everybody know (unless you live under a rock) this month the COVID-19 hit hard on some European’s countries, including mine. I have spent half of the month staying inside in quarantine.

It’s a weird sensation that gives you perspective even to the point that going out to take the trash is a special (but dangerous, since people here aren’t taking this seriously) thing to do.

The good thing is that I had some time to move some thing out of my backlog and I have no excuse to study some things now.

Since most pictures are taken from my living room window these days is better to share how I spend time with friends. This is a screenshot of Tabletop Simulator 1 while I play Zombiecide 2 3 with my friends.

Playing Zombiecide with some friends online

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February 2020

March 1, 2020

After lots of flights and traveling around came the calm. A month to get everything in order, sort my routine and start gettings things done.

The beach after a walk

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January 2020

January 31, 2020

Munich in January

I didn’t have much time for anything on January since I have spent more time traveling than anything else: Being on my homecity for christmas, traveling for work two times and then another conference just because.

At least the planes gave me some time to read and finish some pending things, though I hope next month is more relaxed.

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